I have used a variety of fabrics that reflect the bright lights and the hustle and bustle of a fairground. For the pouch for the hot water bottle I have embroidered the outline of a ferris wheel. For the fastening I have made four small rouleaux loops and sewn buttons to secure the hot water bottle in its pouch.
I have enjoyed working with lots of new people and using discussion to help generate and evaluate ideas. I have also found doing contextual and initial research very helpful in creating my final design and giving an overall theme to my project.
However I could have organised my time better, and could have taken more advantage of the excellent embroidery machines, although I am grateful for the inductions and look forward to using them on later projects. I also feel that an aversion to mathematics has rendered my quilt ever so slightly miss shapen, and if I were to do it again I would make sure I was working with precise measurements in order to avoid this.